i have so much to say
I am a very verbal person. Ask my kids. I am definitely the talker in my family. I do love to talk, as it’s my way of connecting with those around me. It’s how I process. Think out loud. But, as much as I love to talk, I can still have a hard time talking about my feelings. At times, it’s very scary and uncomfortable. After bottling so much inside for so long, I now find the words pouring out of me at an alarming speed. Ask my journals! I write A LOT, and some of those words make their way to my social media feeds and now here on my blog. I am excited to write more, to learn more and to share more.
It’s a work in progress. Speaking up. Being vulnerable. Taking up space with my voice and words. But I am determined to heal this part of me. I know the reason for silencing myself, for being a “good listener” and for not sharing myself whole heartedly, like I long to do.
As I connect more with myself in this season, I am finding a release in getting my words down on paper or onto a screen. If you hang around here long enough, you’ll find that I am a lover of learning. And in that passion to learn, I love to share. Because #sharingiscaring. I feel that if I can benefit from that things I have learned, that others can as well. Why keep all that goodness inside to myself? I believe that if I know something that can help others, I feel that it’s my responsibility to share that with someone. As I share my words on social media, I have received so many kind messages from people saying that they appreciate my sharing, my vulnerability, and that they are learning from me. When I started this journey in 2020, that was not my intention. My intention was just to get stuff out of my head and body as it was too painful to hold all of it in. I felt that I couldn’t be the only one going through a dark time. And I was right, based on the small community I’ve built for myself online. All of us have had, or are having, a dance with grief, pain, hurt, shame or devastation. All of us have had the wind knocked from our lungs after a life changing event. All of us have known loneliness and heartache. I continually remind myself that we are more alike than we are different. That we have so much more in common than we believe.
So, as I continue to build myself and my community, I have an intention. A purpose for this space and my work.
I want to tell you what I’m thinking. What I’m feeling. What I am hoping for. What I am dreaming of. What I am struggling with. What I am learning and unlearning. I want to tell you somethng that will help you. That will help soothe you. That will help you learn something that benefits you, your relationships and your life. That will open you up just a little bit more.
I want to serve. I want to make ripples.
My purpose is to share parts of me that are just like yours, even if they look a little different. I’ve felt what you have felt. I’ve cried over what you have cried over. I’ve fought for what you have fought for. I’m learning what you are learning. I’m right there with you.
I am on this path with you. I am no expert. And don’t claim to be. But I will claim my humanness and my heart. I will make mistakes. I will mess up. I will make amends. I will take action. I will reflect. I will continue to meet myself.
I invite you to come with me. I want you to come with me. You are absolutely welcome here. Let’s make ripples.
Listen. Embrace. Share. Reflect. Forgive. Hold space. Love. Find yourself, here. xx