my favorite personal development podcasts

I am a podcast junkie. I LOVE them! So many genres, so many perspectives and so many amazing people out their sharing stories, ideas and insights. I listen to a wide variety of podcasts but my favorites are the personal development and relationship genres. I love me some learning and I love learning how to be better, change and heal. These podcast have had a huge impact on my journey and my passion for learning about myself and others.

I thought I would share some of my favorites so that you can check them out as well in your own journey. Enjoy! xx

The Mindvalley Podcast with Vishen

Don’t Quit Your Day Job with Cathy Heller

Typology with Ian Morgan Cron

The Relationship School with Jayson Gaddis

Empowered Relationships: Your Relationship Guide with Jessica Higgins

The Life Coach School with Brooke Castillo

The Art of Growth

Unleashed with Alexi Panos

Enneagram 2.0 with Beatrice Chestnut + Uranio Paes

Selfhealers Soundboard with Nicole LePera

Over It and On With It with Christine Hassler

The Science of Success

Fix Yourself First with Dr. Kristie Overstreet

Being Well with Dr. Rick Hanson + Forrest Hanson

The Self Work Podcast with Dr. Margaret Robinson Rutherford

The Homecoming Podcast with Dr. Thema

Black Girls Heal with Shena Lashay


why we think, feel and act the way we do


right where i’m supposed to be